Jewelry Design And Manufacturing Service

Experience the limitless possibilities of our 3D Printing, 3D Modeling and Metal Plating services, crafting intricate and breathtaking jewelry designs beyond your wildest imagination.

Select Projects From The Artists That We’ve Worked With

How It Works

Frequently Ask Question

Do you offer CAM Services?

Absolutely! Our comprehensive jewelry manufacturing solutions, including 3D print service and metal plating, allow us to transform your jewelry designs into tangible pieces.

The turnaround time relies on efficient communication and your valuable feedback. Our primary goal is to bring your vision to life in a timely manner and at an affordable cost, but still remain high quality of the products.

How long does it take to create a CAD file for jewelry?

The time required to create a CAD file for jewelry varies based on the intricacy of your concept. R3DPrints offers efficient services by delivering models within 2 days to a week, ensuring a prompt turnaround for your 3D printing needs.